Thursday, May 23, 2013

What to do...What to do...

I am currently awaiting word from the military of when they will be allowing me to medically retire.  I can't continue my career due to the issues from my previous deployment.  So as I'm waiting around I've been diligently (okay maybe not diligently), frequently attempting to decide what I want to do once it's all over...

There are a lot of options out there, but how do you pick something you will love, something that will bring you joy, something you can really put your passion into?  Everyday I seem to find something else I think I would be passionate about.  How do you really know though?  The only thing I can think of, other than my family of course, that I am passionate about is reading and I don't see anyone hiring me to sit around and read all day...if you know of someone though please let me know:)

I have a degree in Psychology with a minor in special I want to continue with the special education route?  I've looked into Troops to Teachers, even contacted them.  I have several emails currently sitting in my inbox that I have yet to open from them.  Do I want to work with kids all day?

I love the Wounded Warrior Project and what is stands for.  I love it's values and principles.  I love that if focuses on helping wounded warriors transition back into their lives.  I would love to work for them, but in what capacity?  What if they don't have a position near where I live?  I can't just up and husband is still active duty.  Do I want to try anyway?

I've mulled over the idea of becoming a true stay at home Mom.  Homeschooling the boys, training the dog(s), keeping the house clean, dinner cooked, laundry done....I feel like I'm quickly disliking this idea the more I type.  Not to bash stay at home Mom's in anyway.  I have total respect for you guys and what you do all day.  It can not be an easy life.  I just don't know if I can do it.  Do I want to spend everyday, all day with just me and the boys?

Recently I've begun thinking about becoming a dog trainer.  I love dogs.  I would have an entire farm full, if my husband allowed and if we lived on a farm.  I love the idea of working with dogs that need help and turning them into awesome pets for another family.  I love the idea of saving dogs from a future with no loving family and potential death.  I love the idea of being around dogs all day because they are loving souls, who don't need to talk to you to make themselves under stood.  I love being around them and I think if I worked really hard I could be a good trainer.  Plus I really wouldn't miss working with people that much...that's the introvert in my talking.  Do I want to work with dogs and potentially really bad owners all day?

Do I want to be an author, an editor, a chef? Do I want to be a teacher, an administrator, a medical transcriptionist (yes I have a certificate for that too)?  How do you know what will make you happy in the long run?  I've done the military thing for so long that I'm not sure what it is I truly love.  What is it that would make me want to get up everyday and go to work?  For those of you who know me...what would you see me doing?

I've stated to some friends that I would love for God to put a big post-it note on my fridge letting me know what direction he has for my life.  I would love to see a bill board with the words...LIZA THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE MEANT TO DO.  I would love to have an idea of where my life is headed.  I realize that in His own good time He will show me where he wants me to serve.  I just need to sit patiently and wait.

"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; fret not yourself over the one who prosperous in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices. Refrain from anger and forsake wrath. Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land." Psalm 37: 7-9 ESV


  1. I'm a vet tech and LOVE LOVE LOVE my job :) follow my blog for some stories!

    If you have any questions about the field please feel free to ask me! You can find me on fb as well through my blog. Ask away! The page is filled with other vet techs and dog trainers (even some groomers) We'd be happy to get you going if you need information!

  2. I'm a stay at home homeschooling mom and I still haven't figured out what I want to do with my life outside of my family either. If God does stick that post it note on your frig, tell Him to send one my way too!

  3. I know when my husband got out of the military it was like listening to a child say what they want to be when they grow up. One day it was a cop, the next a resp therapist, the next day a contractor. You name it he wanted to do it. God bless the GI bill so that it can cover his many changes in the degree he is seeking. The transition is tough I have watched my husband deal with it for 2 years now.
    I work with children and I love it. I have a strong passion for family advocacy and working with parents and teachers when it comes to special needs. I guess all you can do is follow your heart. It will come to you I promise!

  4. Hey there :) I'm a new follower, J. bolden sent me your way :) Can't wait to read more, and would love it if you checked out and followed my blog too :) Have a great day!


  5. Thank you all so much for following me. I'm new to all of this so let me know if I need to make some changes :)!
