Wednesday, May 15, 2013

That kind of Mom...

Have you ever been the kind of Mom who gives your kid Tylenol in the morning and sends them to school hoping to have enough time to get a few things accomplished before they call you to pick them up?  How about the kind that tells others your kid is sick to get out of doing something else, even though your kid isn't even with you?  How about the Mom who hides in the bathroom to get away from the kids?  Of course not, none of us would be that Mom...

Come on ladies you know you've done one or more of the things listed above.  You've felt guilty afterward and wanted to forget that you'd lied, but you did it.  Why do we do this?  Why can't we just say...I need some time alone?  No I can't help you with x, y, or z.  Mommy just needs a little bit of quiet time.  Any one of those is really easy to say (well type), but our overwhelming Mommy quilt makes it difficult for even the best of us.

I often find myself sitting on the toilet lid in the bathroom with the door locked begging for just 5 minutes of solitude.  Now don't get me wrong, I love my children, love them with every breath I take, but sometimes I need them to leave me alone.  I just need to be home alone, quiet, no noise...BY MYSELF.

We are a one bathroom household though, so even hiding in the bathroom can be a challenge.  I literally cannot go into the bathroom without my children, husband, cats or dog following me...knocking on the door, asking what I'm doing, when will I be out, how much longer, can I have some food...the other ten million questions I can't think of right now off the top of my head.  Yes they follow me to the bathroom.  My husband calls it the three foot radius children and dog can't be outside of three feet away from me or they can't function.

By can't function, I mean literally can't dress themselves, feed themselves, brush their teeth, be taking out...that would be the's actually kind of ridiculous.  I know your thinking I must baby them for them to act this way, but in reality I don't.  They have to do things for themselves.  They have chores everyday and they have to be prepared for each day.  I cook and do laundry, but I refuse to clean up after they are responsible for their own rooms.  I think they follow me so closely in an attempt to drive me a little more crazy than I already am.

I love them though.  I love them for their similarities and their differences.  I love them for the light they bring to our home and for the funny conversations we the discussion that ended with "Papa can't have babies because he has old semen", yep you read it right and that can be a post all on it's own.  I love them for the frustration they cause me and for the pride they instill in me.  I love them because to me they are each perfect just the way they are.

So yeah, I've given them Tylenol and sent them to school (don't roll your eyes, you've done it too), I've used them as my excuse to get out of other things and I've hidden in the bathroom to get away from them (that's sounding really good about right now), but that doesn't change that they are my greatest accomplishments. Without them I am nothing more than a shell.  I am a Mother because that it what God created me to be.  I love them unconditionally and will love them for the rest of our lives.

"For we are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

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