Sunday, June 30, 2013

Movies, Zombies, and my anxiety...

I love movies.  I love movie theaters, movies at home, Netflix, Redbox, Video on Demand...I just love movies.  I love old, new, foreign, kids, young horror...but I love movies.

I don't like crowds, which puts my love of movies in direct line for something that gets cut out.  Part of my therapy is actually to attend movies with my husband and make it through the entire movie without leaving.  For a "normal" person that sounds completely ridiculous, for me it's a grand thing if I can make it.

In the past two weeks I have been to three movies.  The first was Man of Steel...I took my four children so that I could not leave.  I sat in the middle of them so I could not run.  I breathed deeply, I wrung my hands, I talked myself into staying through every scene.  It was no small feet.  I survived the movie.  I made it.

The second movie was Monster's University...should have been easy right, I mean I made it through Man of Steel, guess what it was harder.  I was there with our two oldest boys, they were loving it...I left and sat in the car.  Not such a great parenting moment.  They are old enough to sit in a movie theater alone so don't go crazy there folks.  They were fine.  I was not.  Seriously as a grown adult I sat in the car as opposed to sitting in the movie I just paid for.  I felt like a failure.

Here comes movie number three.  First let me say I love Zombies.  Zombie shows, stories, books, movies.  I was so excited that World War Z was coming out.  I wanted to see it so badly.  So today my husband and I went to see it.  My anxiety was through the roof before the movie even started.  The trailer's for the other movies almost put me over the edge...needless to say I will not be seeing The Conjuring...the movie started, I was on edge, I was going to force myself to sit through it no matter what.  There were some explosions that shook me, some moments that put me on the edge of my seat, some deep breathing and some hand wringing.  There was some digging into my husbands hand as I was holding it, but I made.  I made it through the entire movie I have been waiting to see.

My proud moment was brought to you by Brad Pitt and millions of Zombies!


  1. Great job!! I think it is wonderful that you are getting out there and facing your fears. Truly brave!!

  2. What triggered you in Monster U, if you don't mind answering? If you do, pleaseeeee do not feel pressured. Normal things that are hard for a mom with PTSD. Yup, you found your blog calling ;)

  3. Woot! Uhm, I can't get through the Conjuring commercials on TV. Ugh...

  4. Hi Liza, This blog drew my attention, for the love of Zombie movies!!! Also I know you and also my Son share the same fears. You know what I'm talking about. He lives with us for now. SO hard for us ,wanting to help him but him not admitting that the war and what he went thru gave him PTSD.All We can do as parents is keep telling him how proud of him we are and how much we love him. Thanks for inviting me to your blog. :) hugs 2 you
