“With ignorance comes fear- from fear comes bigotry. Education is the key to acceptance.”
As a society have we inadvertently made bullying acceptable? Have we allowed our children to think that it's okay to make people who are not "like us" feel badly? Have we made it okay to make others feel inadequate?
I am so tired of hearing about and reading stories about children, yes children, who are killing themselves because their peers are making them feel as if they have no other option. I am tired of seeing the faces of those children in the news. I am overwhelmed by the sheer numbers each year of children who feel that they are not important because of how they are treated.
As parents, as educators, as administrators it is our job, our life time job, to teach our children how to treat others. It is our job to ensure that they are treating others the way we want them to be treated. It is our job to educate them on what bullying is and how it effects others.
I am a mother who has had to become an advocate because of the bullying of my own children. I have had to make phone calls, show up at schools and make myself heard because of bullying. I will not allow my children to treat others poorly and I will not allow my children to be treated poorly. I will fight for their rights and ensure that they are safe in their schools.
As a parent you want to know that you are sending your child to school in a safe environment, you do not want them to be fearful, to be depressed, to be left sitting on the sidelines feeling as if they are not good enough. They are all good enough. They are all important. They are all special.
Children who are allowed to be bullies grow up to be adult bullies. Children who are allowed to be bullies grow up feeling entitled and above the rules. Children who are bullies learned how to bully from their parents. I do not for one second believe that bullies are born, I believe they are raised. I believe they are trained. I believe they treat others the way they are treated.
I am over the bullying. I am over the sad stories. I am over the struggles of children. As adults we need to stand up for these young kids. As adults we are responsible for what happens to all the children in our lives. As adults we set the example.
I will no longer tolerate the bullying of my children or anyone else's. I hope that other adults and parents will read this and think long and hard about how their own children are treating others. I hope that as parents, educators and administrators we can make a stand and change the culture.
Bullies bite!
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 ESV
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